Monday, December 6, 2010

It's been a while...

Life has been crazy busy, but this post won't be a long one to catch you up...

Started Grade School, now almost through the first semester with A's in both classes. My case load at work is much lighter this year (not sure how it could have been heavier than last year). Got to attend a phenomenal Autism Conference in October - met Temple Grandin, Carol Gray and Tony Attwood!

The big news of the year though is that we are pregnant! Well...I'm pregnant and we are expecting I guess! As of today, we are 12 weeks and 4 days. Heading out to the doctor shortly. I've discovered that people say horribly rude and hurtful things to pregnant people. For example: That's not baby, that's fat. Are you sure it's not twins? A little walking would do you some good. AND THAT"S JUST THE BEGINNING! First of all, I have lost 8 pounds since we found out (if morning sickness is a sign of a healthy pregnancy, then we are all good here!). Secondly, most of the clothes that I bought are too big in the back and legs, it's just baby. Now don't get me wrong, lots of people say nice things, but it's the mean ones that you hold on to. I understand very clearly now why they tell teachers for every negative thing, have three positives to go with it!


  1. Okay, so #1. You met TEMPLE GRANDIN?!?! I'm so jealous!
    #2. and MOST important....CONGRATS!!!!! I'm so happy you're going to have an adorable little one! Don't listen to the crabby were/are/always will be beautiful!! People can be SO RUDE!

  2. Thanks Haley! And CONGRATS to you on all your nursing stuff! That is so amazing!
