Monday, December 13, 2010

Trains or Big Girl Panties...take your pick

So I've decided that some people are going to get the sweet Little Engine That Could train in the mail to encourage them this week and others, well...they are getting a pair of big girl panties...and a note that says "Put your big girl panties on and get over it!"

It's the holiday season...adults are tired and excited and kids are, well kids. They are acting like little angels one minute and turkeys the next. AND when you teach school, it is to be expected that a week containing a sing along, holiday fine dining and holiday parties is going to be miserably exhausting. I am pretty sure this is where the phrase if you can't beat em, join em was created. Sit back, teach fun game lessons and enjoy your students. After the break you can worry about re-training them for school and being a hardass.

It's not just teachers (all my teacher friends, trust me...if it were you, I'd tell you..)
I stood behind a lady in line at the pharmacy who actually put her hand on her hip and stomped her feet because it was taking longer than she liked. REALLY?! All I could her in my head was "Don'ta stomp your last season Prada shoes at me honey" (Legally Blonde anyone) GET OVER YOURSELF.

Oh and ps...the world does not revolve around just one or a few people...we all have stress in our lives and we all need to accept it, deal with it and move don't want the panties, you want the train...

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...

1 comment:

  1. love the prada shoe comment! snd yes, so many people think the world revolves around them. get over it and over yourself! :)
