Saturday, January 1, 2011

Where to begin...

Christmas break has been, well, long. I got SUPER sick the Friday we got out and did not get out of bed until the Monday after Christmas. That is not, however, what I'm going to write about. I am going to write about how wonderful my husband is and how lucky I am to be his wife. Super sick doesn't begin to describe what I went through. We had quite a scare between fever and all the other symptoms added to my inability to put food down for ten days. Seth was so amazing through it all. He spent his day checking on me, slept on the couch so he could take care of the dogs without waking me up AND pulled together a last minute Christmas that was BEYOND thoughtful. Our plans had to change because I could not travel at Christmas, which meant we didn't get to see any family and I was horribly sad and disappointed. Seth, knowing how much Christmas means to me, spent Christmas Eve (his day off from work) going from HEB to WalMart and back again to gather things to make our Christmas special. He bought me a new stocking filled with a pregnancy magazine that talked about cold/flu while pregnant, two books and bath salts with menthol to help me breathe easier and a new body pillow so that I could sleep comfortably as my belly continues to grow. He also bought stuff to make Christmas chicken, mashed potatoes, stuffing and rolls, a table cloth and hot pink tulips (my favorite) to decorate the table for dinner. It was by far the most special Christmas I have spent with Seth and I will forever be grateful!

The week following Christmas I spent trying to get my energy and appetite back and went and saw my parents. Then came New Year's Eve...let's just say if Jackass ever needs material, we've got some for them! Luckily, Seth and I were only spectators in it all, but let's just say it involved beer pong, powerful fireworks and bare skin...YIKES. We slept until 11:30 today trying to recover (not from hangovers, but exhaustion) from yesterday. Prior to the NYE festivities, we spent four hours shopping for Seth's Las Vegas Convention clothing and then had to exchange sizes today! It's been wonderful being home with him this week and last. It's nice to not have to worry about work for two weeks and actually be able to enjoy EVERY MINUTE of the day!

On the baby front, the doctor seems to think my illness is nothing to be concerned about but we will check Monday when I go for my monthly visit. My belly is continuing to grow and with my being sick, I still have no weight gain. We are 16 weeks and 2 days in today! I can't believe that in 5 short months Baby M will be here! Just can't wait...neither of us can!

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