Wednesday, July 14, 2010

God bless my husband

God bless him. Yesterday we spent yet another day working on the yard...treating for bugs, weeds, cleaning, securing shelter for our dogs, etc. Before we could do all that, we had to make a Home Depot run. Now, we have one of those fabulous Home Depot credit cards that we have paid off...BUT I told Seth we needed to put the batteries and charger and yard stuff on the card and we would pay it off when the bill came. We get there and he is all hesitant about buying a battery and charger because of the price. If you know my husband and I, I am typically the "it's too expensive" one in our relationship. I looked at him and was like.."really? I expected to spend x amount of dollars and this is less than that" God bless him. He insisted that we tour the entire store looking for a sale set instead...30 minutes later, we were checking out with the first one we him.

Today, I get up, get ready to spend my day with precious Parker and Seth is up. big deal except that my perfume makes his allergies act up first thing in the morning before he gets fresh outside, I go into the guest bathroom, put it on (after waiting for him to travel downstairs and to the garage) and head to the door. Seth forgets something and goes upstairs right where I have just sprayed, comes back downstairs with "OH, GOD" as his last words to me before I cheerfully head out the door with a "love you babe!" and a smile. All I could think was...I'm pretty sure you aren't going to die from perfume inhailation and if you do, well it must have been your time to go. I know that sounds harsh, but for six years perfume never bothered him and now he blames every sneeze on anything scented (not the fact that he is one of those people who should get up and take a benadryl every morning because his allergies are THAT bad!)

So, I spend my day with Parker and decide that for dinner I want to try my hand at homemade mac and cheese because that is one of Seth's favorite things to order as a treat when we go out to dinner. I find a recipe, get cooking, bake it and then taste it...not exactly what I thought it would be like, but ok. Seth comes in from working outside and I call him over to try it...he very politely tells me it is good and waits for me to say something about the texture of the cheese. His response.."babe, it really is good. It's just not as creamy as some places. But it is really good, I like it." Again, God bless him because that mac and cheese tastes awful to me! :)

I clean the kitchen and pour a glass of wine, sit down and visit with my love while he happily eats his dinner before going back to the garage. So now here I am, rambling about macaroni and cheese...and I just looked over to see a fly making a swimming pool out of my full glass of wine...really?!?!?! You've got to be kidding me. Thank God my husband was so sweet or that fly would have sent me over the edge...

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