Sunday, July 11, 2010


We all take honesty for granted at some point in our lives (at least, most people I know). Most of the time we have no problem being honest with other people. It is honesty with ourselves that is the issue.

Now, having said that, I have a severe problem of worrying that I am going to hurt someone's feelings or let someone down with every choice I make. I do things because I just can't stand to say no to people I care about. Some of you reading this may think "well that's okay" but it isn't. I say yes at the expense of stretching myself to thin, increasing my anxiety level, and doing everything half-ass. My friends and family probably wouldn't say that, but that is how it feels.

My goal through this blog is to increase my honesty with myself. So, let's be honest.

1. I over extend myself
2. Can't complain about a dirty house or dirty laundry if I am not cleaning it or asking for help.
3. I need to eat better.
4. I need to exercise more.
5. I am overweight (obese, no. but definitely need to lose some lbs!) Please don't take that as I have low self's just the truth.
6. My husband is not really an ass, I just feel shitty about myself occasionally (we all do it) so blame it on him some days. Again, don't take it as low self esteem...we all just have moody days.

I could go on, but let's start there for now. My plan is to submit an entry about my feelings etc for the day, each day or few days. Feel free to comment.

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